What Is Harm Reduction?
Harm reduction is a practical public health approach that reduces the negative consequences of drug use and promotes the health of people and communities.
Comprehensive harm reduction addresses drug use as well as the environment in which someone is using drugs.
Greene County Public Health offers several harm reduction programs that meet people where they are to improve quality of life.
What is Project DAWN?
Ohio's Network of Opioid overdose education and naloxone distribution programs is called Project DAWN (Deaths Avoided With Naloxone). Program participants receive a take-home naloxone kit and training on:
- Recognizing the signs and symptoms of overdose
- Distinguishing between different types of overdose
- Performing rescue breathing
- Calling emergency medical services
- Administering intranasal naloxone
Ohio Department of Health Project DAWN site
Click here to request a free naloxone kit and fentanyl test strips
Drug Overdose Data Update (Data & Statistics)
What is SafeTrade?
In response to the opiate epidemic which has had a devastating impact on our community, Greene County Public Health has started a Bloodborne Infections Disease Prevention program called Safe Trade.
Safe Trade is a syringe exchange program that also offers Safe(R) Smoking and Snorting Supplies, HIV and Hepatitis C testing, referrals to substance use treatment, education on safe injecting practices to reduce the spread of disease, and training on how to use naloxone to reverse an opioid overdose.
Safe Trade operates at the following times:
- Mondays from 1-4 at Recovery Plus located at 333 N Broad St. Fairborn, OH 45324
- Wednesdays from 1-4 at our Xenia office located at 360 Wilson Dr. Xenia, OH 45385
- And Fridays from 1-4 at our Fairborn office located at 25 S. Central Ave. Fairborn, OH 45324
For more information please contact safetrade@gcph.info
Fentanyl Factsheet and Resources
What is a NaloxBox?
A NaloxBox is an opioid overdose response tool that allows bystanders to save lives of victims of opioid overdose. The NaloxBox is wall-mounted and should be displayed in a central location of a business or organization. Contents include 2 doses of naloxone (Narcan®), medical gloves, a rescue breathing barrier device, and intranasal instruction manual.
We have a limited number of outdoor naloxone cabinets available to install in areas with high overdose rates. These cabinets are pole-mounted, with no need to drill or install any electrical features. We will prioritize locations based on the highest overdose rates. If you would like to discuss placement of a cabinet, please contact us at 937-607-8653 or naloxbox@gcph.info.
For more information, please email naloxbox@gcph.info.