Emergency Preparedness

The Emergency Preparedness program is tasked with preparing Public Health, its partners, and the community to respond to adverse events that affects the public’s health in our community.

Activities are planned in cooperation with the public, healthcare and safety organizations in Greene County and surrounding counties ensuring the West Central Region of Ohio is ready for emergency events.

  • Cooperative efforts with community, business, healthcare, security, and safety organizations have been enhanced to deal with any emergency event.
  • Cooperative agreements have been developed with adjoining counties and healthcare organizations to strengthen the regional ability to provide mutual aid.
  • We perform simulated “Adverse Event” training exercises annually with our regional partners.

How Public Heath Prepares for Emergencies

  • Maintains a staff ready to respond 24 hours a day 365 days a year to a health or community emergency
  • Trains internal staff for large scale emergency response activities
  • Plans and coordinates response activities with the Greene County Emergency Operations Center
  • Plans and coordinates response activities with local partners including the Greater Dayton Area Hospital Association, Police and Fire agencies and the Red Cross.
  • Plans and coordinates response efforts with surrounding health departments and the Ohio Department of Health
  • Provides training to staff and community partners in emergency response efforts
  • In the event of an emergency, provides timely, accurate and vital information about the situation
  • Educates the community regarding how to prepare for emergencies

Types of Emergencies

What you can do to prepare for an emergency

During and after an emergency you may need to be prepared to survive on your own, with little or no assistance from others. This means having access to basic necessities such as food and water.

A basic emergency supply kit could include the following recommended items:

  • Water (one gallon per person per day for several days, for drinking and sanitation)
  • Food (at least a several-day supply of non-perishable food)
  • Battery-powered or hand crank radio and a NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert
  • Flashlight
  • First aid kit
  • Extra batteries
  • Whistle (to signal for help)
  • Dust mask (to help filter contaminated air)
  • Plastic sheeting and duct tape (to shelter in place)
  • Moist towelettes, garbage bags and plastic ties (for personal sanitation)
  • Wrench or pliers (to turn off utilities)
  • Manual can opener (for food)
  • Local maps
  • Cell phone with chargers and a backup battery

For more information about being prepared for an emergency visit


When to Report an Emergency to Public Health

Some emergencies should be reported directly to emergency services, such as police and fire by calling 911. This includes medical emergencies when someone’s life is in immediate danger.

Other emergency situations such as those listed below should be reported to Public Health – Dayton & Montgomery County, if the emergency is taking place within Montgomery County, Ohio.

Communicable Disease

Medical facilities, physicians and labs should call (937) 374-5638  from 8am - 4 pm Mon-Fri, (937) 374-5600 from 4pm - 8am or weekends, to report any Class A Diseases which are anthrax, COVID-19, food-borne botulism, cholera, diphtheria, Influenza A – novel virus, measles, menin­gococcal disease, plague, rabies (human), rubella (not congenital), severe acute respiratory syn­drome (SARS), smallpox, tularemia, viral hemorrhagic fever (VHF), and yellow fever.

Food or Waterborne Illness

For emergencies regarding food-borne or waterborne illness associated with facilities such as restaurants, grocery stores, festivals, swimming pools, etc. area hospital emergency rooms should report suspected food poisoning outbreaks involving two or more non-family members by calling (937) 374-5638  from 8am - 4 pm Mon-Fri, (937) 374-5600 from 4pm - 8am or weekends.

Fires in Public Food Operations

Local fire department and or facility management should call (937) 374-5607 from 8am - 4 pm Mon-Fri, (937) 374-5600 from 4pm - 8am or weekends.

for fires at restaurants or grocery stores which result in potential contamination of food or utensils, or when a fire suppression system or sprinkler system has discharged.

Bioterrorist Incident

Local fire and police agencies should call (937) 374-5627 from 8am - 4 pm Mon-Fri, (937) 374-5600 from 4pm - 8am or weekends. to report any incident which alleges use of a biological agent (i.e., anthrax, smallpox, botulism, plague, tularemia, etc.) or chemical agent (i.e., sarin, cyanide, VX agent, etc.) to threaten the public health and safety.

Accidental Release of Air Pollutants

Local fire, police agencies and businesses should call (937) 374-5627 from 8am - 4 pm Mon-Fri, (937) 374-5600 from 4pm - 8am or weekends. To report accidental release of air pollutants which creates plumes or clouds of toxic air contaminants that may drift into residential areas and pose an IMMEDIATE THREAT to human health.

Water Pollution

Local fire, police agencies and businesses should call (937) 374-5607 from 8am - 4 pm Mon-Fri, (937) 374-5600 from 4pm - 8am or weekends. To report accidental releases or spills of chemicals or other contaminants such as a chemical tank truck crash or a train derailment causing a release of toxic chemicals into a water course that poses an IMMEDIATE THREAT to human health through contamination of private water supplies (private wells).

Dog Bites

Local physicians should call (937) 374-5638  from 8am - 4 pm Mon-Fri, (937) 374-5600 from 4pm - 8am or weekends. to report dog or other animal bites (wild or domestic) when animal is not routinely quarantined, and physician needs immediate information on rabies prophylactic measures.

Important Phone Numbers

  • To report suspicious packages or substances, call your local law enforcement agency at: 9-1-1
  • Individuals looking for help or services because of natural disasters can call 2-1-1 or visit the HelpLink211 website for a list of available services and contact information.

Preparedness Information


Emergency Preparedness Sites