On-site Sewage Treatment Systems
County home owners with individual on-site sewage treatment systems.
To prevent non-point source water pollution, ground water contamination, and public health nuisances from raw or partially treated sewage discharge. To help homeowners maintain trouble-free operation and maintenance of their household sewage treatment systems.
The Environmental Health Division completes the following tasks for this program. Designs and/or approves submitted design plans for new or proposed sewage treatment systems on vacant lots. Evaluates property line changes for existing homes and proposed vacant lots. Provides guidance to homeowners that are experiencing problems with their existing sewage treatment systems. Evaluates the need for alteration, repair or replacement of a malfunction sewage treatment system. Inspects all installations of sewage treatment systems and inspects existing sewage treatment systems when requested or required.
Services include
- Registration of Sewage Contractors (including Installers, Service Providers, Septage Haulers) and Land Application Sites
- Provide a list of currently registered Sewage Contractors
- Review soils reports and site design to determine if onsite sewage treatment is possible
- Permit and inspect new sewage system installations or abandonments
- Consult on current sewage treatment system conditions
- Additional Applications, Forms and Factsheets
Frequently Asked Questions
- Septics 101
- ODH Sewage Information for Homeowners
- ODH Information for Sewage Contractors
- Infiltrator Chamber Installation
- Ohio EPA Information on NPDES
- Ohio Department of Health Information on NPDES
- Proposed Board of Health resolution regarding a 6" down to 0" Vertical Separation Distance for absorption fields