Temporary Food Operations


A food operation that is operated for a maximum of five (5) consecutive days and no more than 10 times per year, not otherwise licensed as a permanent or mobile food operation.


Temporary food operations require a separate food license for each event and location. No more than ten (10) temporary licenses are allowed per organization/individual per year and a temporary food permit has a maximum of 5 consecutive days per event.
Prior to operating a temporary food operation, you must complete and submit a Temporary Food License Letter of Intent and a State of Ohio Temporary Food License Application. Note: Applications for a temporary food license MUST be submitted to the Health District a minimum of 3 business days in advance of your event. Failure to provide the required documents 3 business days prior to your event may result in you being unable to participate in that event.

To assist you in planning your food booth, please reference the Temporary Food Guidelines brochure.

NOTEThe temporary license fee has changed for 2025. The new temporary license fee is $64.00.


(937) 374-5607
